Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Fun Among God's Creation

Lately, I've been rummaging through my thought closet and have found a few ill-fitting lies, a number of faulty assumptions, lots of profitable memories, and maybe a few complaints. I'm trying to tuck some quality truth in, like, "I'm not in control"... "He must increase, but I [must] decrease. He that comes from above is above all: he (me) that is of the earth is earthly, and speaks of the earth (that's me!) : he that comes from heaven is above all." John 3:30-31

"From the moment a creature becomes aware of God as God and of itself as self, the terrible alternative of choosing God or self for the centre is opened to it." -C.S. Lewis

The discovery of how little I really know God as God and how deeply I want to know Him keeps growing!

Sometimes I think it's a moment-by moment recognition that He is God - a mystery, a glimpse. It's unfathomable. I most discover myself when I determine I'm not God.

"I will meditate on all Your work, and muse on Your deeds." Psalm 77:6,11-12

Otherwise, I naturally choose myself as center. I can say "Praise the Lord" to myself all day long, yet somehow not place God in the center because I'm already in that prime position. The results: LONELINESS!

Get off this computer and get out into God's creation & determine to make no room in your thought closet for grumbles. It makes us very unattractive and highly uncomfortable! Therefore, fill your thought closet with gratefulness. God doesn't deserve our griping; He deserves our gratefulness!


  1. I love your photos, Jennie! You really have a gift, and I'm guessing you had a blast using it! It was fun to see some familiar sights, too! Thank you for reminding me of the beauty of God's creation if I'll only take the time to stop and look, and to look closer. Love Ya, Sarah

  2. Isn't it true! I'm glad you enjoyed them, Sarah. Love you too!

  3. Fabulous photos, Jennie!
    I'm giving you 2 awards, dearie! They will be coming up on my blog soon. Come over and get them, ok? (If you don't do awards, that's fine, too. I will not feel offended in any way.)
    Mrs. Gunn

  4. Hi Jennie!
    You have 2 awards now waiting for you over at Faith's Firm Foundation!
    (It's ok if you don't do awards. I won't feel offended in any way.)
    Mrs. Gunn
