Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful!

Well, the talk "around town" is SNOW; but I find it sad how seldom we think and speak of it with an awe-inspiring regard of God, the director of it, who shows his power and serves the purposes of His Providence by it!

Snow may not be so terrible and noisy as thunder and lightning, but it still shows the glory of God. In Job 37:6 God says to the snow, "Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength."

He commissions this winter weather, he commands it, he appoints it, where it will land and how long it will lie. He speaks, and it is done: as in the creation of the world, all are the showers of his strength.

Why do I contend so often with God's providence in my life, yet, I don't contend with God’s providence in the weather? I know that I cannot hinder the snow if He sends it. I do not get angry when He sends it! I love it, in fact! It displays His glory in such a marvelous way. It is ridiculous to fight against this expression of Providence. It is ridiculous for us to fight against any expression of His Providence, even the little workings in our lives.

The effect of the magnitude of this winter-weather is that it forces us to slow down a little, making it uncomfortable and unsafe for us to be on the road. We tend to keep to our houses. In frost and snow, our running around is definitely restricted. When the weather is extreme we are often forced to do nothing & get nothing. It forces us to be taken off our own work that we can know His work and contemplate it, and give Him the glory for these great and marvellous works.

When we are disabled from following our worldly duties, we should spend our time in acquainting ourselves with the works of God and praising him in them, rather than in foolish idle sports and recreations (Yikes, I'm stepping on my own toes!).

I recently read a quote by Matthew Henry -"When our hands are sealed up our hearts should be opened and the more we should be driven to our Bibles and our knees." In this world of technology, it is so easy to continue in the "calls" of this world and forget to acknowledge His work and celebrate Him.

Here are some pictures of my attempt to observe some of the recent snow He has sent upon the earth! May His marvelous works draw us to our knees, glorifying Him alone!


  1. Pretty pics Jennie!! Morgan looks a lot like Coolie did!:) Can't wait to see you again soon!;)
    Lydia Elgard

  2. Thanks for posting, Lydi!!! I know, Morgan is getting pretty white in his face. He just turned 13!
    Can't wait to see you Sunday!
    Love ya,

  3. Your pictures are beautiful, Jennie. :) I love that quote by Matthew Henry. It is so easy to be caught up in the busyness of life and forget to look to the Lord. Thanks for the good reminder.
