Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seeing Through Different Eyes

So, I stayed up pretty late last night looking though photographs taken with my beloved Canon60D. It's been a very good friend to me these last 15 months. It has allowed me to see through different eyes, noticing expressions and emotions that I hadn't seen before. When you're looking through a camera lens you really do see through different eyes. You think differently about the situation: What will I want to remember about this moment. I've had many special moments these last 15 months. Most of them involve family, specifically, my sister. She leads a fairly different life than I, but has been so intentional about keeping me a part of it. When she married, I was worried we'd grow apart since our worlds would no longer be as similar as they were. But, I'm so grateful she didn't let that happen. I've been so blessed to continue to have my part in her story thanks to her making herself part of mine. My 60D gets to be part of that beautiful story too. Here is what our lenses have seen...
Slideshow For Sarah


  1. This is one incredible story in pictures! I don't know if people realize how much time you put into giving to others. This slide show displays that endless giving heart you have. I am always amazed at the love you have for all of us in the Gilmer family! Hugs! and I pray God gives you the desires of your very "giving" heart!

  2. Jeanie!
    I just watched it with my mom (while my mom cried through the whole thing)! I love those pictures! Thank you for posting some amazing pictures! Hope to see you soon!
    Lydia Elgard
