Friday, October 1, 2010

"They did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year." Joshua 5:12

Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged. I've been delighting in the fruit of the land lately! It is an all too temporary delight, I'm afraid. The raspberries are gone and the honeycrisp apples are on their last leg. It's amazing what cheer a honeycrisp can bring :-)
This brings me to think on the ultimate delight: to be with Jesus and to expect this glory! I have just started a study on the book of Isaiah where the prophet tells the people that their country will become desolate if they will not consider God.
I must admit I struggle occasionally with unbelief, allowing my doubt to get between me and that "goodly land". God's Word is put aside for a period and fear floods my soul. Why do I allow the enemy to triumph like this, becoming dry as a desert?
I'm so grateful that my faithful Father continues to draw me back to Him where I can gather the only fruit that satisfies, where faith and hope can make the desert a garden. Oh how wonderful to feed on God's Word.


  1. Hi Jennie,
    Know you got the email about Mrs. De Hoyos, (we spent Tuesday through Thursday down there; so glad we were able to be with them at this time) but also wondered if you know the Richardsons, from the U.S., who minister up in the mountains, past Horseshoe Falls, (where we went one year). I met them this week while we were down there. We have some photos and videos that I will show you when we get back and are able to see you:)
    We also met Mr. and Mrs. Salazar and Haniel.
    Love you!
    Mrs. Gunn

  2. Wonderful post again Jennie! Isn't the study of Isaiah amazing? I am glad that dad and I are going through BSF at the same time you are!Thanks for your transparency and love for the Lord! Your photos are amazing too! Thanks for sharing!
