Tonight the sun was shining in so beautifully as I was reading so I decided to shoot some pictures of it. As I watched the sun rapidly setting over the lake it made me think of my theme song, "Will Your Anchor Hold". And then I thought, "Hey, I should get my anchor in the shot" This has been a time of Jesus bringing light and illumination to some dark areas in my life. I know God's Word has been the anchor, keeping my spiritual life from being tossed and driven, but often I don't trust him like I should and start to take over control. Things don't always work out the way I plan, so I start to lose faith and spend less time in His Word. Thankfully, he patiently (sometimes painfully) corrects me, reminding me that He is to be "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Ps. 46:1) He is the All-Powerful One who will show up-- one way or another (No one else can promise that)! In this continuous process of discovering reality and truth, I'm realizing more and more that He is the ONLY anchor for my soul. This book that I know I've heard it said that "The truest test of our faith is what we do when we don't come out on top-when things don't work out..." It's been making me really think about my anchor. Will it hold when things get harder? Its starting to drift and the winds don't seem as wild as they could be. Am I grounded firmly enough in the Savior’s love, finding security ONLY in HIM? Just thought I'd post this in case, by some small chance, someone else happens to come upon this who feels the same way. I just want to encourage you to let God's Word anchor you.
"His truth is everlasting and His word endures to all generations!"